Global Smooth System Elements Chart



  1. Traditional Ballroom

  2. Alternate (Bronze)

  3. Frame

  4. Double Hand

  5. Single Hand Left or Right

(Combination Holds are allowed e.g. ½ Frame Hold, ½ Single Hand Hold)

  1. Closed

  2. Outside Partner — Right and Left

  3. Promenade

  4. Counter-Promenade

  5. Open Facing

  6. Right Angle/90 degrees

  7. Left or Right Side — Opposite Foot only

  8. Inverted Left Side (CPP) or Right Side(PP)

  9. Back to Back

  1. Body Contact — with hold

  2. Close — with hold

  3. Extended — with hold

  1. Opposite Foot only

  2. Feet must close, no Passing Feet. A Closed Finish must follow Apart Feet figures (Fans, Breaks, Cross-Body Lead, Chassés, Grapevines, Pivots, UATs, Change of Places).

  1. Bronze Timing — see timing chart for each dance

  2. One syncopation per bar allowed only in Chassés with no turn or up to ¼ turn (Waltz and Foxtrot)


All Bronze Holds allowed

  1. Alternate (Silver) Right or Left

  2. Crossed Hand

  3. Handshake Right or Left

  4. Shadow

  5. No Hold — Apart Proximity only max. 1 bar per occurrence

All Bronze Positions allowed

Add Fallaway movements

  1. Same Foot Lunge

  2. Right Shadow— Follower in front/Leader behind

  3. Contra Position — Opposite Foot only

All Bronze Proximities allowed

  1. Apart — max. 1 bar per occurrence

All Bronze Feet allowed

  1. Passing Feet (Continuity Style)

  2. Same Foot allowed in Same Foot Lunge and sustained Right Shadow Position only

All Bronze Timings allowed

See Timing Chart for details for each dance

  1. One syncopation per bar only (in Right Shadow Position syncopation is allowed only in Chassés/ Locks/ Runs with no turn or max. ¼ turn).

  2. Foot Change Timing allowed — 1 syncopation or fake/canter per bar

  3. Picture Lines — max. 2 bars with the weight on one foot


All Bronze & Silver Holds allowed

  1. Hammerlock — Double or Single

  2. Hands to Body

  3. No Hold — Apart or Away Proximities (see Proximities column for time allowed)

All Bronze & Silver Positions allowed

  1. Right Shadow — Follower in front or behind

  2. Left Shadow — Follower in front or behind

  3. Left/Right Side and Contra — Same Foot

  4. Tandem — Follower in front or behind

  5. (Follower behind ,aka Opposite Shadow)

All Bronze & Silver Proximities allowed

  1. Apart — max. 4 consecutive bars in W, T, F, 8 bars in VW

  2. Away — max. 2 consecutive bars in W, T, F, 4 bars in VW

All Bronze & Silver Feet allowed

  1. Same Foot allowed in all positions

All Bronze & Silver Timings allowed

See Timing Chart for details for each dance

  1. One syncopation per bar allowed on turning figures in Right Shadow and Apart turning figures

  2. Two syncopations per bar, max. 1 bar allowed in non-turning figures in Right Shadow, Chassés/Locks/Runs in any Bronze/Silver hold, Double UATs/ Free Turns, Tango Viennese Crosses (max. 2 bars in any allowable hold)

  3. Syncopations on every beat allowed in Runarounds/Standing Spins only

  4. Picture Lines — max.4 bars with weight on one foot


  • No restrictions on holds used or time spent in any hold, including No Hold

  • Entrances are allowed

  • No restrictions on positions, all levels allowed including Dips, Drops, Backbends, Sit Spins, Off-Balance positions

  • No restrictions on distance or amount of time away from partner

  • Lifts are not allowed,if supported by partner at least one foot must always remain on the floor

  • Jumps, Hops, Skips are allowed

  • Kicks, Rondés, Developés may be any height

  • Embellishments allowed.

  • No restrictions on timing

syllabus exceptions

Bronze exceptions:

  • Handshake — Waltz Progressive Twinkles OP, PP/CPP only

  • Shadow — Tango Rocks only

Bronze exception:

  • Shadow — Tango Rocks only

Silver exceptions:

  • Left Shadow — Waltz Shadow Switches, 1 bar only

  • Left Side Position Same Foot — Foxtrot Grapevine 4 quicks only

Bronze exceptions:

  • Same Foot — Tango Shadow Rocks only

Silver exceptions:

  • Two syncopations per bar allowed in Tango Double Syncopated UAT, Viennese Crosses (in Traditional Hold/ Closed Position) for max. 1 bar


Holds are defined as the point(s) of contact between the partners.Positions refers to the relationship of the partners' bodies and feet to one another.Proximity refers to the distance between the partners.
Feet refers to which foot the weight is on in relation to the partner. Partners can be on the opposite foot or on the same foot.
Feet may close or pass in the figures.
Timing refers to the weight changes in relation to the music, e.g. 1,2,3 would require three weight changes, 1,2&3 would require four.
See the Timing Chart for specific timings allowed in each dance for Bronze, Silver and Gold.




  • 123, 1(23)

  • Syncopation allowed:

    - 12&3 Chassés (danced with no turn or up to ¼ turn max.)


  • Syncopation allowed:

    - QQ(&S) Brush Tap(allowed only in Left or Right Side Position)


  • SSSS (Walks or Side Rocks only)

  • 8 Consecutive Qs allowed in Grapevine only

  • Syncopation allowed:

    - SQ&Q Chassés (danced only with no turn or up to ¼ turn max.)

  • 123, 1(23), 1(2)3

  • Syncopation allowed:

  • S = 2 Beats, Q = 1 Beat, & = Half Beat (Syncopation)

  • Timings in parentheses indicate that no weight change occurs on that count


  • All Bronze Timings

  • Syncopations allowed:

    1&23, 12&3, 123&

    - 1 syncopation per bar only

    - In Right Shadow Position syncopation is allowed only in Chassés/ Locks/ Runs with no turn or a max. of 1/4 turn

    - Runarounds may have 1 syncopation per bar up to 2 consecutive bars max.

  • All Bronze Timings

  • Syncopations allowed:

    &SS, S&S, SS&, SQ&Q, Q&QS

    - QQ&, QQ& Viennese Crosses (allowed in Traditional Hold/Closed Position for max. of 1 bar)

    - Q&Q& Double Underarm Turn only

    - QQ(&S) Brush Tap in place of any Tango Close

  • All Bronze Timings

  • Syncopations allowed:

    - S&QQ Fallaway and Weave

    - SQ&Q Chassés, Locks and Underarm Turns

    - In Right Shadow Position syncopation is allowed only in Chassés/ Locks/ Runs with no turn or a max. of 1/4 turn

    - Runarounds may have
    1 syncopation per bar up
    to 2 consecutive bars max.

  • All Bronze Timings

  • Syncopations allowed:

  • Where Same Foot is allowed, foot change timing (by Leader or Follower) of 1 syncopation or Fake/ Canter timing within the bar

  • 2 bars max. for Picture Lines in allowable holds and positions


  • All Bronze and Silver Timings

  • Syncopations allowed:

    1&2&3, 1,2&3&, 1&23&

    - 1 syncopation per bar allowed on turning figures in Right Shadow Position and Apart turning figures.

    - 2 syncopations per bar in

    • Non-Turning figures in Right Shadow Position

    • Chassés/Locks/Runs in any allowable Bronze/Silver Hold

    • Double Underarms/Free Turns

    - Syncopations on every beat in Runaround /Standing Spin only (1&2&3&)

  • All Bronze and Silver Timings

  • Syncopations allowed:

    - Q&Q& allowable figures only, e.g. Chassés, Double Locks, Free Turns

    - QQ&, QQ& Viennese Crosses (in any allowable hold for max. 2 bars)

  • All Bronze and Silver Timings

  • Syncopations allowed:

    &SS, S&S, SS&, QQ&

    - 1 syncopation per bar allowed on turning figures in Right Shadow Position and Apart turning figures.

    - 2 syncopations per bar in

    • Non-Turning figures in Right Shadow Position

    • Chassés/Locks/Runs in any allowable Bronze/Silver Hold

    • Double Underarms/Free Turns

    - Syncopations on every beat in Runaround /Standing Spin only (Q&Q&Q&Q&)

  • All Bronze and Silver Timings

  • (12)3, (1)2(3), (1)23, 12(3)

  • No syncopations allowed

  • Where Same Foot is allowed, foot change timing (by Leader or Follower) of 1 syncopation or Fake/ Canter timing within the bar

  • 4 bars max. for Picture Lines in allowable holds and positions

  • Any other figures with 2 or more syncopations per bar not listed are considered Open Elements

Download Dance Chart and Rules and Restrictions for Competitions

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Download Element Chart and Timing tables

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