Join the Superstars of Smooth

Which course are you most interested in exploring?

Toni Redpath's Smooth Training System
monthly subscription

Ballroom into Smooth
$399 12 months unlimited access

Smooth Elements Chart
$399 12 months unlimited access

Smooth Highlight Moves
$399 12 months unlimited access
What dancers say about Toni Redpath's Smooth Training System
What dancers who have used the Smooth Training System have to say about the course …

A simple, clear and progressive dance training system that dancers of all levels can utilize to increase their dancing knowledge and skills, and that can be applied to any syllabus or step pattern. It is not about teaching individual step patterns, or basic syllabus manual elements such as footwork, alignment, or timing. It is about building the quality of your dancing using a common language and methodology.
- 500+ Essential level videos!
- Learn Basic level solo and partnering techniques building a foundation for enhanced performance skills
Advanced Level
- 750+ Essential and Advanced level videos!!
- Have access to every Essential level video plus all Advanced videos to learn higher level techniques for dynamic partnering and performance skills.
Elite Level
- 1000+ Essential, Advanced and Elite level videos. All the information you need to become a master of Smooth dancer.
- Have access to every Essential and Advanced video plus learn Elite level 3-dimensional partnering techniques, dramatic choreography and storytelling skills.
Cancel at any time. Cancellation stops the monthly subscription charges, fees are prorated. You will not maintain access to your Courses if you cancel.
Click on the drop down menu Membership link, then Subscriptions. There you can Update, Change Plan, or Cancel.
If you are newer to teaching dancing or are looking for an overview of the whole system starting from the beginning in order to teach new students, then start with the Essential Course.
If you have been dancing a while, have an understanding of basic technique, and want to get to a higher level, then utilize the Advanced Course.
The Elite level involves maximizing all tools available to achieve the ultimate level of dancing (social or competitive).